
The logo design for the Nomadskit brand combines the concept of the digital nomad lifestyle with that of road signs.

The letter "N" incorporates graphical elements from road signs, emphasizing the brand's adventurous spirit and travel orientation.

This design represents the brand's mission to provide digital nomads with work essentials and lifestyle recommendations that suit their way of life.

nomadskit logo deisgn

The simplicity and recognizability of the logo design make it suitable for various media and applications, from websites and social media to product packaging and marketing materials.

The Nomadskit logo presents a unique and appealing visual image, showcasing the brand's core values—being on the road, exploring the unknown, and embracing the digital nomad lifestyle.

road sign(reference image)

procreat drawing

colour testing

colour testing

This logo design will help shape the unique identity of the Nomadskit brand, attracting digital nomads and conveying information about the lifestyle and work essentials it offers.

business card(mockup)

t-shirt (mockup)